Stolzsein Kustom Kouture
Multi V1, Multi V Rated, BISS,
Australian Champion, Stolzsein Kustom Kouture
Ko-Ko comes from a litter of 8, 4 males and 4 females. She is a large substantial puppy with strong bone and head, she has dark eyes and pigmentation, clean markings with balanced angulations. We are looking forward to seeing Ko-Ko grow and what she will mature to be.
Ko-Ko is co-owned with Chris Coles and we thank her for taking great care of Ko-Ko.
Ko-Ko at 11 weeks old
Xrays taken @ 25months old
HD 1.0, ED 0.0, NRCA Eye and Mouth Certificate # 003354, DNA Profiled, LCG Clear, JLPP Clear
Date of Birth - 5 January 2013
Multi V1, International Champion, Young Champion of Serbia, Adult Champion of Serbia, Champion of Romania, Champion of Hungary, Australian Champion, |
Sire International Champion, Young CH of Serbia, Adult CH of Serbia, Holland Jugensieger 2004,
Sire Young CH of SERBIA, Adult CH of Serbia, YU Rott DERBY WINNER 2002, Holland Klubsieger BOB 2004, Belgium Klubsieger 2004, Belgium Klubsieger 2005 BOB, |
Sire Multi V1 rated, HD Frei JRSP81972
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Dam International Champion ,Young Champion of Serbia and Monte Negro, Champion of Serbia and Monte Negro, |
Young CH of SERBIA, Adult CH of Serbia, YU Rott DERBY WINNER 2002, Holland Klubsieger BOB 2004, Belgium Klubsieger 2004, Belgium Klubsieger 2005 BOB, |
Sire HD Frei JRSP81972 |
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Sire 10 x V1 rated, SLV/SVK Champion Brando Von Kelemen (Serbia) HD A, ED 0 |
Sire Ludendorf Erik HD 4.3, ED 0.0,
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Dam Multi V rated, Ludendorf Fallon (AI) HD 3.3, ED 0.0, |
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Dam Multi V rated,
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