Oberhundes Electra
Gita is a large girl that just loves to have fun. This girl is always up for a game of fetch and loves playing with the ball. This girl has a lot personality and we wish we could have done more with her, but due to her high hip score we have been limited. A shame as we feel this bitch would not only have excelled in work, but she also would have produced nicely in the whelping box as she is so very good with the baby puppies. This girl makes us laugh on a regular basis with her clown like behaviour and her crazy antics.

HD 11.17, ED 0.0, Eye and Mouth Certificate.
Gita was awarded V2 in Junior Bitch (19 exhibited) judged by Josef Mravik (Slovakia) at the 2005 National hosted by the Rottweiler Club of Victoria Inc.
DOB: 7th May 2004
Sire : Multi V Rated, 2002 ARV Northwest Regional Sieger, NRCA Ch Jeneck's Punch (Imp U.S.A.)SchH1, BH, Ztp, ET
HD3.3, ED 0.0

Sire: Gabar vom Gambrinus

S: Tim vom Zimmerplatz, 70176, HD Frei, SchH lll, FH, AD, Gekort 30-9-92
D: Kathy vom Schwaiger Wappen, IPO1, BH, Met, WP45216103, ADRK 076542, HD-
Dam: Multi V-Rated Jeneck's Tina

S: Multi V-1 & Most Beautiful, North American Sieger Jenecks Flash, SchH III, IPO III, AD, BH, FH, Gekort bis EzA

D: Multi V-Rated Jeneck's Bessy

Dam :
Oberhundes Bessie

Sire :Multi V1,Multi BISS, Australian Champion Jenecks Quik, BH, Ztp, (IMP USA)
HD: 0.0 Scissors, Eyes Clear

S: Multi ARV Sieger, V-1 Jenecks Wotan, SchHIII, IPOIII, FH, BH, AD, Gekort bis EzA, Korung, ARC Gold Producer Award 1998, WP0309384, RO-3465G24M-T

D: Multi V rated, Jenecks Bessy, Ztp, BH

Dam : V rated, Jenecks Bonny |
S: Alf vom Haus Squire, WG377923, RO-22585E24M
D: Jenecks Felon, SchHIII, BH, FH, ZtP(ARV), RO-43792G24F-T |
Click here for an extended pedigree for Gita
2 years old
2 years old
3 years old
2 years old
3 years old
4 years old
3 years old
4 years old
Bosch chasing Gita. Bosch 5 years old and Gita 3 years